How to teddy fresh
Teddy bears are always things that most young people love. But hidden inside stuffed animals are looking to hide from fungal bacteria directly to the contact usurped. So how should you?
Post date: 19-11-2014 |
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For stuffed animals are always friendly materials used, the teddy cleaning is very necessary job.
To wash teddy achieve the best efficiency, users often bring stuffed animals out of a dry cleaning shop. But not anywhere also dry cleaning stuffed animals and especially not store any cleaning stuffed animals can also wash a wall stuffed animals thoroughly.
Gaubonggiare teddy bears getting room service, not only gives customers using products and services best washing stuffed animals, but also give you the knowledge information washing stuffed animals most useful.
You can completely stuffed his laundry at home with the following steps (this method applies only to the kind of large stuffed animals and little more)
Step 1: choose one corner of the intersection of stuffed animals which use the wrap razor small enough sheave 1 cup sugar portion of the intestine stuffed animals outside.
Step 2: After much separated the flesh and rind of stuffed animals so you have washed crust according to conventional methods and take the flesh is dried, hot sunlight exposure to harmful UV rays eliminate parasitic organisms inside in.
Step 3: the inner part stuffed animal intestines and in due course the far corner before the final balance and you are sewing the parts that connect your point cut (sewing skill)
Just 3 simple steps you can wash teddy effectively without any further charges.
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